little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

Saving our Environment and Nature

Categoria: general,
Origem: action,
Língua: en,

Prevent the European Nature Law from being undermined! - An action supported by Friends of Earth ( and the German forest portal (waldportal).

Take action against micro plastics: read about it at SumOfUs , take action at SumOfUs. - A recent UN study confirms that micro plastics is a threat for humans and wildlife.

Act against patents on animals and plants: Declaration of Bern. - speak for maintaining our wide variety of cultivars and breeds, speak for sovereignity and safety in alimentation and an agriculture which is partially still being maintained at a small scale.

Greece, the Euro and the Debt Disaster

Categoria: general,
Origem: article,
Língua: en,
Greece has been insolvant. Far more money is about to be borrowed to Greece and its banks. How all European citizens will need to bleed white for big capital.

EU parliament accepts an insufficient compromise about TTIP/ISDS.

Categoria: general,
Origem: info,
Língua: en,

Yesterday, on 2015-07-08 the EU parliament has accepted a controversial resolution about Investor-State Dispute Settlements (ISDS). In spite of certain improvements like a public selection procedure for lawyers and a newly appointed court of appeal the basic dilemma of ISDS remains: The fact that concerns may sue states against environmental and social regulations. By accepting this resolution the EU parliament threatens its citizens to finally accept TTIP/ISDS. An upcoming mass rally against TTIP is planned for October the 10th in Berlin.

article at Die [de]; stop TTIP: demonstration on 10th of October.